Little Zion Calendars

Below you will find the current month calendars for Little Zion (in case you misplaced it). These include Pre-School, Pre-K and Bridge to Kindergarten calendars. Each calendar is available to save as a PDF or print at home.

Community Outreach Events

These events will be held each month as a way to connect our homes and school.   Please encourage your family’s participation in our wonderful events as they help bridge our community.  Details about each event will be given out during our staff meetings. Flyers will then be sent out with your child during school or available digitally on our website.

September – Non- Perishable food items to a local food pantry
October – “Mental Health Month” Writing notes/cards to local retirement and veteran homes Thinking of You!
November & December – Collection for BirthRite -infant, toddler and maternity clothes. Infant toys, formula, bottles, pacifiers, teethers, etc.
JanuaryThe Mitten Tree – collection of mittens, gloves, scarves, other items to keep homeless warm this winter
February – “We Love Pets” – pet drive for the CT Humane Society
March – Penny Drive to donate to a charity the children choose
April – St. Jude Trike a Thon
May – Little Zion ROCKS! – Children and families will paint rocks with positive or happy sayings to leave around town (with a small LZP) on them to let them know they are from us and are spreading cheer